chicago weather from Logan Ryan Smith on Vimeo.
the phantom
of a past life
went this morning
by the wind
which was blowing
stupid word
after stupid word
yr head was blown up in yr sleep and you forgot it
left it on the beach
of southeast Michigan
confetti of the brain
parades for the ridiculous
the mice in houses
the sheeps with spouses
the flees in spines
and alibis of swine
and the animals shitting in our heads
dissipating five miles from the shore but bits of it were found
washed up on Sunday MORNING
somewhere in Chicago did you hear the warning
did you know there were warnings
did no one tell you there were warnings
the sirens’ calling isn’t always
a warning but isn’t always
to be ignored
tho almost always
the tornados coming are always coming but you hear them coming
better than you heard the earth breaking
was it breaking
the earth was breaking beneath yr feet
but you heard the earth breaking
beneath yr feet
before you heard yr feet breaking
beneath yr legs breaking
beneath yr hands breaking
with yr guts in them
and the land
you couldn’t see it
or them
the horizon
in two
until the sun cracked
from the loss
cracked the brown dirt
to sand the sand to dirt the
dirt to sand and dust
cracked the sky
giving up
on what was broke and gone
beneath it
on what was broke and gone
it can’t help the weather
giving up on what was
broke and gone
and turned to dust from sand and dirt
to dust and dirt to dust
can’t give weather men and women
the answers
can’t live when all the world is shattered
and the words get so slow
s o s l o w e d
the pressure gets so twisted
and t w is t ed
fucked up and
and spins
yr gut turns to snow
and yr hands get blistered
dust and minutes in them
canceled hours at what the hands set
what bet was bet
you bet the end wasn’t coming
crushed within the hour
dust to glass glass to dust
ash to ash to ash
burnt up
and the world turns to dust
turns the hours back
pushes yr hands back
against yr own face
to taste
blood and skin
in memory
dust to dust to dust
you guess this is what
and that is that
yr questions last as long as that
then the end is the end
is the end
and no beginning
no end is a beginning and no
beginning an end
thus no beginning
doubtful in the end
the sun just broke
and stopped
with all the dust
pushed up
at its feet
threw up
couldn’t pick itself up
couldn’t get back on
its feet
couldn’t decide
the weather
or the dust
the dirt
or the ash
all broke
and gone
at last
and you left
the world
floating off the Atlantic
with no friends
no loose ends
no dust
no glass
no ash
no hands
no dirt
no feet
no head
no hands
and no reason to panic